"Ich habe die wunderbare Gelegenheit gehabt, mit Sylwia als Coach zusammenzuarbeiten, und kann sie nur wärmstens empfehlen. Sie hat ein unglaubliches Charisma und eine positive Ausstrahlung, die ansteckend ist. Mit ihrer Macher-Mentalität und ihrem starken Willen hat sie mich nicht nur motiviert, sondern mir auch geholfen, meine Stärken zu erkennen und zu entfalten.
Besonders beeindruckt hat mich Sylwias scharfer Geschäftssinn. Sie hat ein tiefes Verständnis für geschäftliche Zusammenhänge und führt ihre Klienten mit außergewöhnlichem Feingefühl dazu, ihre eigenen Lösungen zu finden. Sie stellt die richtigen Fragen und gibt Impulse, die dazu anregen, selbst Klarheit zu gewinnen und den nächsten Schritt zu gehen.
Sylwia ist eine einfühlsame und gleichzeitig energiegeladene Person, die individuell auf ihre Klienten eingeht. Sie hat mich in meiner persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung bestärkt und mir gezeigt, wie ich meine Potenziale noch besser nutzen kann.
Als Coach, Frau und Mensch ist Sylwia außergewöhnlich und inspirierend. Ich bin dankbar für ihre Unterstützung und kann sie mit voller Überzeugung weiterempfehlen."
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Was unsere Kunden sagen

"Sylwia Kain ist eine außergewöhnliche Coach und Mentorin, die mich in vielerlei Hinsicht stärkt, motiviert und begleitet. Sie besitzt eine unglaubliche Gabe, das Beste in Menschen zu sehen und ihre wahren Stärken hervorzuheben. Besonders beeindruckend ist ihre wunderbare Energie und Empathie, die sie in jede Sitzung einbringt.
Sylwia hat eine bemerkenswerte Fähigkeit zum Perspektivwechsel und schafft es immer wieder, mir neue, wertvolle Einsichten zu vermitteln. Ihre herzliche innere Haltung und ihr unerschütterlicher Glaube an das Potenzial jedes Einzelnen machen sie zu einer unvergleichlichen Unterstützung in meinem persönlichen und beruflichen Wachstum sowie auf meiner Reise durch Veränderungen.
Dank ihrer einfühlsamen und inspirierenden Begleitung fühle ich mich bestärkt und motiviert. Sylwia ist eine wahre Mentorin und eine Quelle der positiven Energie. Ich kann sie von Herzen weiterempfehlen!"

"Choosing Sylwia as my business coach was a natural decision, given our long-standing professional relationship. Having been managed and mentored by her for many years, I knew her ability to lead by example and draw out my strengths was exactly what I needed to take the next step in my professional and personal development. Through our coaching sessions, I've seen remarkable progress not only in achieving a greater work-life balance but also in advancing my business aspirations and navigating parenting challenges. Sylwia has a unique talent for empowering me to confront and move beyond the limiting beliefs that once held me back. One of the most transformative aspects of her coaching has been learning how to effectively balance my family and work life. Her insightful strategies and steadfast support have helped me prioritize my time and energy, leading to enhanced productivity and deeper fulfillment in all areas of my life. I am grateful for Sylwia’s guidance and would highly recommend her to anyone looking to make significant life and career advancements."

"I had the privilege of being coached by Sylwia in navigating the balance between work and personal life. Her strategies have not only boosted my energy but also brought a renewed sense of inner fulfilment. Her genuine empathy and vast experience shine through in her coaching. It's evident that she draws from a rich tapestry of her own experiences when coaching others. This lends authenticity to her methods and advice, making the coaching journey deeply resonant and transformative. For anyone seeking a life and business coach who genuinely cares and possesses the acumen to effect real change, I cannot recommend Sylwia highly enough. Her guidance has been invaluable to me, and I'm confident others will benefit immensely from her expertise."

"Sylwia is an exceptional life coach who has truly made a profound impact on my personal and professional journey. Throughout our collaboration, I have been consistently impressed by her thoughtful insights into fostering women in leadership roles. She is not only a proponent of gender diversity, but a lighthouse of inspiration for aspiring women leaders. Her commitment to empowering women to overcome challenges and take opportunities is truly commendable. I sincerely recommend Sylwia as an extraordinary coach, particularly for those seeking guidance in women's leadership, organizational change, and change strategy. Her exceptional business acumen, coupled with her unmatched empathy, make her an indispensable asset to any individual or organization aiming for transformative growth."

"I had a pleasure of knowing Sylwia for several years in a business relationship before she embarked on her coaching career. From the moment I decided to seek her mentorship, I felt I was in the hands of someone special. As an inspiring woman and mentor, Sylwia creates a nurturing environment for personal growth and transformation. She has an innate ability to connect with her clients on a deep level, understanding their challenges and aspirations. Sylwia is not only leading her clients on the path but she herself is a unique example of living the life of transformation and integrity. I recommend Sylwia as a life/business coach for anyone seeking a powerful change. The combination of her business expertise, leadership, and genuine care for the client makes Sylwia an exceptional guide on the path to personal growth."

Sylwias Arbeit als Coach ist geprägt durch Empathie und Professionalität. Während unserer gemeinsamen Coachings schaffte sie eine Umgebung, in der ich mich jederzeit verstanden und wertgeschätzt gefühlt habe. Gleichzeitig wurde ich auf sehr positive Art und Weise gefordert, sodass ich bereits nach sehr kurzer Zeit Perspektiven sehen konnte, wo vorher nur eine Sackgasse war. So haben wir gemeinsam eine Zukunftsvision erarbeitet, die mir neue Motivation verliehen hat und mich mit ganz konkreten Handlungsideen für die nächsten Schritte aus dem Coaching hat gehen lassen. Das Besondere an Sylwias Coaching ist dabei die zielgerichtete und wohldosierte Einflechtung von Elementen aus den Bereichen Achtsamkeit und Meditation, die den klassischen Coachingansatz auf wunderbare Weise ergänzen und mir persönlich wertvolle Impulse und Erkenntnisse aus unerwarteter Richtung verschafft haben. Vielen Dank für die gemeinsame Reise!

"I just had my first coaching session with Sylwia after only speaking to her once before, and WOW, it was powerful. Sylwia has the amazing gift of being able to perceive the energy of your hidden thoughts that you might not even be clear about yourself. She has a presence that transcends the computer screen, and I could feel her energy as if she were with me in the room. Sylwia's wisdom and sharpness are blended with an incredible loving softness, which is very rare to find and makes her coaching so powerful. In a split second, she knew what steps to take to unlock my blockage so I could gain insight into a complicated matter I have been battling for a while. I feel so incredibly grateful to have met Sylwia, and I can highly recommend her to other professionals who seek answers within themselves. She is an excellent external thought disruptor with a huge heart—I couldn't find a better combination in one person."

"I highly recommend Sylwia as a business coach! Her fast support, coupled with her open-minded and empathic personality, made our sessions truly impactful. She provided a well-structured approach that perfectly aligned with my needs, resulting in valuable outcomes. The time spent with her was of immense value, and I'm grateful for her guidance. I wish her all the best for her future projects."

"I am delighted to write a recommendation for Sylwia, who served as my business coach during a crucial period of transition in my professional journey. From our very first session, it was evident that her expertise wasn't merely academic. She brought to the table her own extensive experiences as a seasoned professional, particularly resonating with women's challenges and triumphs. Our interactions weren't limited to just business or leadership; they ventured deep into the heart of women's empowerment. One of Sylwia's most notable qualities is her profound open-mindedness. Paired with her keen insights, she transformed the daunting change process into what felt like a walk in the park. Her unique approach encouraged me to see opportunities even in the face of challenges. But Sylwia's coaching didn't stop at professional development. She instilled in me a newfound appreciation for self-love and self-worth. Her holistic approach has indelibly shaped both my professional and personal outlook. If you're in search of a coach who offers depth, understanding, and a rich reservoir of knowledge, I wholeheartedly recommend Sylwia. She's not just an excellent coach; she's a catalyst for both personal and professional growth."